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Vivobarefoot shoes are designed to offer freedom to the foot. Walking barefoot is the best way to guarantee the health of our body, allowing the correct alignment of the entire spine, reducing the impact on knees and hips, exercising all the muscles and increasing the resistance of the whole body. 80% of runners are injured at least once a year, something that does not happen to those who have tried barefoot. Vivobarefoot uses a combination of the most traditional shoemaking techniques and the most innovative technology of the 21st century to create a shoe that is beneficial to health, comfortable, quality and stylish. Get the Vivobarefoot discount code, promo and voucher codes offer here.
Vivobarefoot was the first manufacturer of barefoot footwear with a patented sole. It is very thin and resistant, which allows you to live the barefoot experience with the protection and safety that only the best footwear can provide. Vivobarefoot footwear line is the only one with an ultra-thin punched sole patent that offers all the health benefits of the barefoot effect but with the protection that only the best footwear can provide. Also, its unique punched sole design manages to stimulate the nerve endings of the foot by increasing sensory perception in all parts of the body and activating blood circulation. Podiatrists and specialists have named it "the footwear of the future”. Vivobarefoot is a creation of the sixth generation of the Clark brothers.
Shop now and avail discounts on the Vivobarefoot voucher code.
Get the Neo Trail authentic minimalist trail shoe, specially designed to travel dirt and stone paths or very technical terrain in wet areas. Developed in collaboration with the minimalist runner coach Lee Saxby, the Neo is a retro model that 100% meets the premises of minimalism. Breatho Trail is a minimalist trail running footwear designed for the most aggressive trails but with a light and breathable design, you can wear these shoes without socks with total comfort.
The sole features multi-directional studs that maximize grip, and a puncture-resistant and ultra-thin layer that maximizes protection and proprioception. Evo is known for its iconic hexagonal design and off-road sole but equipped with thermal protection. This model is ultra-fine, abrasion-resistant soft, all-terrain rubber outsole designed with Hex-Flex directional grip control and a puncture-resistant patented layer. 100% recyclable and environmentally friendly. Shop now with Vivobarefoot discount code and promo codes at Voucher Pro.
Official website - Vivobarefoot UK